At Our Roots

Our Mission

We ignite progress in the security industry to protect our clients and communities.


We are dedicated to making security simpler, more accessible, and attainable for all through research, education, and consulting with a through line of excellence in everything that we do.

Our Founder & CEO

Ana Aslanishvili

About Ana

Ana grew up in the tumultuous aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union. The military and political unrest, wars, coups, rampant crime, and severe economic downturn were all critical factors that forced the development of strong safety and security practices and theory from an early age. The ugly reality of the outside world combined with the warmth and support of family and community taught an early lesson about putting people at the center of security initiatives. 

Ana’s experience, education, and certifications include:

  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Masters of Science in Security Technologies (MSST) – University of Minnesota
  • Development of Meta’s Physical Security Red Team
  • Special Investigations Team – U.S. Financial Institution 
  • Masterful Social Engineer 
  • Quadrilingual – Fluent in English, Russian, Georgian, and German. 

Speaker Bio

Ana grew up in the tumultuous aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union. The military and political unrest, wars, coups, rampant crime, and severe economic downturn were all critical factors that forced the development of strong safety and security practices and theory from an early age. The ugly reality of the outside world combined with the warmth and support of family and community taught an early lesson about putting people at the center of security initiatives. 

Ana, as a teenager, immigrated to the United States alone in pursuit of a better life and with hopes of building a similar tight-knit community as the one that helped her growing up in Tbilisi. 

Landing in Minneapolis, Ana obtained her BA in Communications and Youth Work in 2011, and later pursued her MS in Security Technologies in 2017, both from University of Minnesota. Her career started in corporate security, accelerating and expanding to include risk management, risk communications, investigations, security consulting, and culminating as a people-centric security leader helping to shape, lead, and improve high performing teams. After years of exploring the far corners of fields that keep people safe, Ana ultimately discovers all her passions come together in the realm of red teaming. Ana has been red teaming since 2017 at organizations big and small, private and public, using physical penetration tactics, social engineering, and analytical red teaming tools to reach the mission objectives. She is strongly invested in establishing physical red teaming as a profession and has been advocating for this purpose, whether through her board membership at CART, standing up the largest physical red team in Silicon Valley, or writing for various security publications to demystify the murky field of red teaming. 

General Bio

Ana grew up in the tumultuous aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union. The military and political unrest, wars, coups, rampant crime, and severe economic downturn were all critical factors that forced the development of strong safety and security practices and theory from an early age. The ugly reality of the outside world combined with the warmth and support of family and community taught an early lesson about putting people at the center of security initiatives. 

Ana, as a teenager, immigrated to the United States alone in pursuit of a better life and with hopes of building a similar tight-knit community as the one that helped her growing up in Tbilisi. 

Landing in Minneapolis, Ana obtained her BA in Communications and Youth Work in 2011, and later pursued her MS in Security Technologies in 2017, both from University of Minnesota. Her career started in corporate security, accelerating and expanding to include risk management, risk communications, investigations, security consulting, and culminating as a people-centric security leader helping to shape, lead, and improve high performing teams. After years of exploring the far corners of fields that keep people safe, Ana ultimately discovers all her passions come together in the realm of red teaming. Ana has been red teaming since 2017 at organizations big and small, private and public, using physical penetration tactics, social engineering, and analytical red teaming tools to reach the mission objectives. She is strongly invested in establishing physical red teaming as a profession and has been advocating for this purpose, whether through her board membership at CART, standing up the largest physical red team in Silicon Valley, or writing for various security publications to demystify the murky field of red teaming. 

Our Founder & COO

Shawn Abelson

About Shawn

Shawn started his career responding to emergencies and now he prevents them. Over the last 15 years, Shawn has been an EMT, a penetration tester, a criminal investigator, a security director, a COO, and a consultant. He is a strong believer in the scientific method, research, data, and other boring-sounding things that have made our world immeasurably safer and healthier.

Shawn’s experience, certifications, and credentials include:

  • Certified Protection Professional (CPP)
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Master’s of Science in Security Technologies (MSST) – University of Minnesota
  • Graduate Faculty/Instructor – Technological Leadership Institute, University of Minnesota 
  • FBI Cyber Investigator Certificate Program (CICP)
  • Vulnerability, Threat, and Risk Assessment (VTRA) Certification
  • Head of Risk Management & Red Teaming @ Meta (Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram)
  • Homeland Security and Cybercrimes Investigator, Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office (not LE)
  • Law Enforcement Liaison, US Bank Anti-Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Division
  • Red Team Leader, Behavior Detection Instructor, and Sr. Security Consultant @ Rozin Security

Shawn's Speaker Bio

From terrorist attacks in Israel to earthquakes in Haiti, Shawn started his career by responding to emergencies and has since made his name in the business by preventing them. Over the last 15 years, Shawn has been an EMT, a penetration tester, a criminal investigator, a security director, a COO, and a consultant. He is a strong believer in the scientific method, research, data, and other boring-sounding things that have made our world immeasurably safer and healthier. Shawn is a risk nerd who hates synergy, celery, corporate jargon, and writing bios.  

Shawn teaches that diversity in thinking, perspective, and experience improves security outcomes by leading to better decisions, more accurate decision makers, and more effective and creative solutions. As a red teamer, Shawn has espoused these evidence-based concepts consistently throughout his career as a security leader, and in academia where he teaches  graduate students at the University of Minnesota. With a background in risk management and security leadership, he has applied these concepts across several industries including banking, big tech, law enforcement, and consulting.

Shawn is convinced that the security industry can be simpler, evidence-based, fair, and effective all at the same time. He weaves together stories of breaking into buildings with experiments, lessons learned the hard way, and industry data to build a future where security professionals are revered as doctors of business: safeguarding health, building strong corporate immune systems, and responding to risks and incidents with effective, empirically-based treatments. He gathers stories and case studies to enable business leaders to learn from others’ mistakes, leverage opportunities, and amplify successful strategies. 

In the security field, the experimental bedrock that underpins red teaming is as close as one can get to conducting real-world data-gathering. To this end, Shawn was asked to develop Meta’s (then Facebook) first physical red team to assess security functions around offices, data centers, fiber optic cables, executive protection, event security, crisis management, and more. After spending over a decade red teaming as a consultant and in-house red team leader, he is widely regarded as a go-to source on conducting, developing, and improving red teams. Shawn has had his share of red teams involving foot chases, being on the wrong side of weapons, and police helicopters – and is now dedicated to helping conduct the safest and most effective assessments while de-risking clients and red teams alike. Shawn likes breaking the rules and conducting security experiments to share findings and data with clients, peers, and the industry alike to ensure no one has to learn the preventable lessons the hard way.

Professional Affiliations
The Association of Threat Assessment Professionals
Project Management Institute
FBI Infragard
National Registry of Emergency Medical Technitians

Proactive Protectors – Stay ahead of your adversary

Our Red Team

Penetration Testing

Threat Modeling

Covert Methods of Entry (CMoE)

Physical Red Teaming & Security Stress Testing

Sr. Physical Red Team Lead

Babak Javadi

About Babak

Babak is a noted member of the physical security community, well-recognized among both professional circles (due to the work The CORE Group) as well as in the hacker world (as the President of TOOOL, The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers.) His first foray into the world of physical security was in the third grade, where he was sent to detention for showing another student how to disassemble the doorknob on the classroom supply closet. Babak is an integral part of the numerous lockpicking workshops, training sessions, and games that are seen at annual events like DEFCON, ShmooCon, DeepSec, NotACon, QuahogCon, HOPE, and Maker Faires across the country. He likes spicy food and lead-free small arms ammunition.

Babak's Areas of Expertise
  • Physical Red Teaming
  • Physical Access Control Systems (PACS)
  • RFID Research & Reverse Engineering
  • OSDP and Wiegand Exploitation Development
  • Red Team Tools
  • Lockpicking 
  • Flipper Zero and Proxmark Systems
  • Covert Methods of Entry (CMoE)
  • PACS System Technical Requirements
Speaking Engagements and Trainings

Babak is a regular speaker at industry conferences and trainer for the nation’s leading entities, including:

  • US Naval Academy at Annapolis – Training Course Instructor
  • Black Hat – Training Course Instructor
  • DeepSec – Speaker, Training Course Instructor
  • DEFCON – Head of Lockpick Village
  • SANS Institute – Hosted Training Instructor
  • HackInTheBox – Speaker, Training Course Instructor
  • ShmooCon – Speaker, Head of Lockpick Village
  • DerbyCon – Speaker
  • National Defense University – Guest Speaker
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Sr. Physical Red Team Lead

Deviant Ollam

About Deviant

While paying the bills as a physical penetration tester and red teaming instructor, Deviant Ollam also sits on the Board of Directors of the US division of TOOOL — The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers — for the past 14 years, acting as the the nonprofit’s longest-serving board member. His books Practical Lock Picking and Keys to the Kingdom are among Syngress Publishing’s best-selling pen testing titles. In addition to being a lockpicker, Deviant is also a SAVTA certified safe technician, a GSA certified safe and vault inspector, member of the International Association of Investigative Locksmiths, a Life Safety and ADA Consultant, and an NFPA Fire Door Inspector. At multiple annual security conferences Deviant started Lockpick Village workshop areas, and he has conducted physical security training sessions for Black Hat, the SANS Institute, DeepSec, ToorCon, HackCon, ShakaCon, HackInTheBox, ekoparty, AusCERT, GovCERT, CONFidence, the FBI, the NSA, DARPA, the National Defense University, Los Alamos National Lab, the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, and the United States Military Academy at West Point.

In his limited spare time, Deviant enjoys loud moments with lead acceleration and quiet times with podcasts. He arrives at airports too early and shows up at parties too late, but will promptly appear right on time for tacos or whiskey.

    Deviant's Areas of Expertise
    • Covert Methods of Entry (CMoE)
    • Red Team Tools (Including owning
    • Lockpicking and Bypass Techniques 
    • Safe Manipulation 
    • Elevators, and Elevator-Based Access Control Systems
    • Social Engineering
    • Fire Control Systems
    • Physical Red Teaming & Penetration Testing
    • Whisky
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    Intelligence leaders at your fingertips 

    Our Intelligence Team

    Geopolitical Analysis & Intelligence

    Tactical and Operational Intelligence

    Competitive Intelligence 

    OSINT & Dark Web Monitoring

    Reputation Monitoring 

    Sr. Intelligence Advisor

    Treston Wheat

    About Dr. Wheat

    Dr. Treston Wheat is a Sr. Intelligence & Geopolitical Research Consultant with Pine Risk Management specializing in geopolitical risk and red teaming. Previously, he worked within Meta’s Global Security Risk Management division as a lead analyst, focusing on threat actor/TTP research, wargaming, and alternative analysis. He has extensive experience in academia and big tech. Dr. Wheat teaches Intel Analysis at Georgetown University, and has built and maintained intelligence capabilities at Fortune 40 companies including Microsoft and Meta. In addition to his corporate and academic work, Dr. Wheat also:

    • Received his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville focused on national security and warfare tactics. 
    • Was selected as the winner of the inaugural Andrew W. Marshall Paper Prize on Future Reconfigurations in Asia 2045 (2022)
    • Publishes analysis for InsightForward (IF), a thought leader in geopolitical and strategic risk based in the UK. 
    • Was part of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ National Security Fellows Program 2022
    Dr. Wheat's Areas of Expertise
    • Intelligence Analysis
    • Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
    • Analytical Red Teaming
    • Applied Critical Thinking Techniques and Workshops
    • Developing new Corporate Intelligence Capabilities
    • Tactical / Operational Intelligence
    • Tabletop Exercises for Business & Security Leaders
    • Geopolitical Analysis 
    • Red Teaming
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    Sr. Intelligence Advisor – Geopolitics & Corporate Intelligence

    Ross Hill

    About Ross

    Ross Hill is a Sr. Geopolitical Risk Intelligence advisor specializing in corporate intelligence. He has over 15 years’ experience in public and private sector intelligence and is a regular speaker at industry events. Prior to working with PRM, Mr. Hill was Director of Intelligence for AT-RISK International. In addition, he led the global intelligence team at a Fortune 50 company and has significant experience designing intelligence strategy and processes, specializing in identifying the impact of geopolitical and international security risks on multinational companies. Mr. Hill is also:

    • Pine Risk Management’s Lead UK Intelligence Advisor
    • An experienced Intelligence Analyst for the Metropolitan Police in London, working on safeguarding major events as part of the High Risk Events Team. 
    • A graduate of the University of Leicester with a Master of Arts in International Security Studies.
    Ross's Areas of Expertise
    • Geopolitical Intelligence
    • Corporate Intelligence
    • Intel Program Development
    • Intelligence-Led Decision Making
    • International Security
    • Corporate Strategy
    • Risk Assessments
    • SOP Development
    • Event Security 
    • Crisis Management & Critical Decision Making
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    Protecting People & Profits

    Our Security Consulting Team

    Protective Design (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design – CPTED)

    Security Risk Assessments

    Red Team Assessments

    Law Enforcement Consulting 

     Countersurveillance Training 

    Sr. Security & Law Enforcement Advisor

    Eric Roeske

    About Eric

    Eric Roeske is a creative, forward-thinking law enforcement leader and security professional with a unique educational and diverse practical experience background. In his 29 years of law enforcement and security experience, he has developed expertise in critical infrastructure protection, risk management, security technology, and emergency management. His specialized areas of expertise include security operations, design of physical security systems, surveillance technology, access control strategy, executive protection and prevention, mitigation, response and recovery from workplace violence. He also has extensive experience in crisis communications, tactical operations, and training design and implementation. Eric holds a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Criminal Justice from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and a Master’s degree in Security Technologies from the University of Minnesota.

    Eric's Areas of Expertise
    • Security Technologies
    • Law Enforcement
    • Protection of Government Buildings
    • Protecting Public Spaces
    • Access Control Systems
    • CCTV Systems
    • Security and Law Enforcement Personnel Management
    • GSOC Operations and Management
    • Workplace Violence Prevention
    • Crisis Communications
    • Emergency Management
    • Critical Infrastructure Protection
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    Security Consultant & Operations Advisor

    Atticus Pilskalns

    About Atticus

    Atticus is a security consultant and risk management advisor for Pine Risk Management, focused on specialized programs that protect high-value assets. Atticus’s career has revolved around building high performing security functions, and testing their effectiveness to ensure critical assets are kept safe and secure. His experience has showcased his operational capabilities and technical skills, enabling him to support clients across many domains and environments with security programs, technology, and creative solutions to difficult problems. He has extensive experience working with Fortune 100 companies, US Defense Contractors, Crypto Startups, and Private NGOs. Holding a BA and an MS from Golden Gate University, his studies have focused on applied theory in Organizational Leadership, Human Skill Development, Influence, and Conflict Management. Atticus served as a US Marine abroad, developing a deep appreciation for the potential, both positive and negative, that resides in humanity. He enjoys cultivating resilience and capability where they are needed most.

    Atticus' Areas of Expertise
    • Risk Management
    • Red Teaming
    • Corporate Intelligence
    • Corporate Strategy
    • Site and Event Security
    • Industrial Security
    • Brand and IP Protection
    • Supply Chain Security
    • Secure Crypto Custody
    • Crisis Management
    • Change Management
    • Operational Resilience
    • Executive Protection
    • Surveillance & Counter Surveillance
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    Better Decisions: Industry Leaders to Enable Your Success

    Our Business Excellence Team

    Strategy Consulting

    Project Management Support

    Technical Writing & Quality Assurance

    Roadmap Development for Products, Programs, and Companies

    Project Management Office (PMO) Development

    Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

    Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

    Security Risk Management (SRM)

    Risk Tooling Development

    Business Excellence & Risk Management Advisor

    Amira Hyder

    About Amira

    Amira is a business strategy expert, corporate problem solver, and tenured program manager. Her experience centers around building effective risk management and intelligence programs to aid organizations in keeping their people, brand, information, and assets safe. Amira has led risk teams and programs from Meta (Facebook) to the United Nations and more, always focused on building effective solutions that enable clients to meet their objectives while ensuring projects stay under budget and on schedule. She is a passionate supporter of women entrepreneurs and helping organizations improve their security posture to protect their people, information, reputation, and community. 

    Amira received her Master of Public Administration from Columbia University and is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). She is multilingual and skilled in aiding organizations with intermediate and advanced functions involving Microsoft Office products (Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), Google Drive products, R, SharePoint, PowerAutomate, and more.

    Amira's Areas of Expertise
    • Program Management
    • Security Risk Management
    • Corporate Intelligence Programs
    • Competitive Intelligence 
    • Geographic Risk Management
    • Security Strategy Development
    • Security Program Roadmapping 
    • Intelligence for Brand Management 
    • Technical Program Management
    • Risk Tooling Development and Procurement
    • Software Procurement 
    • Corporate Leadership Strategy Development and Implementation 
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    Better Decision Team Leader

    Brian M

    About Brian

    Brian M. served 20 years as a U.S. Marine aviator retiring in 2016, specializing in amphibious operations planning, aviation planning, and red team decision support. Since retirement, Brian continues his passionate work teaching and training the next generation of leaders and decision makers at various government and military agencies. Brian contributed to the U.S. Army’s Red Team Handbook and has been interviewed by red team, intelligence, and security leaders for major publications, including Bryce Hoffman’s Red Teaming, Beyond Your Limits by Rob Dubois, and the Ontic Protective Intelligence Podcast. In addition, Brian is an experienced red teaming and applied critical thinking instructor for the following agencies:

    • Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
    • U.S. Marine Corps
    • National Geospatial Intelligence Agency College
    • Joint Improvised Threat Defeat Organization (JIDO)
    • Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
    • U.S. Arm University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies (UFMCS)
    Brian's Areas of Expertise
    • Analytical Red Teaming
    • Applied Critical Thinking
    • High-Pressure Decision Making
    • Corporate Strategy
    • Alternative & Contrarian Analysis 
    • Complex, Dynamic, and Wicked Problems
    • Training, Education, and Workshop Development
    • Teaching & Instruction 
    • Major Decision Support (M&A, Corporate Direction, & Board and Executive Decision Support)
    • Wargaming and Tabletop Exercises
    • Project Management (Agile & Scrum)
    • Pre-Mortem Analysis
    Brian's Publications


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    sr. consultant: Business Excellence, Risk Management, & corporate governance 

    Lauren Goodrich

    About Lauren

    Lauren is a senior Business Excellence, Risk Management, and Corporate Governance consultant for Pine Risk Management. Lauren was the program manager for risk mitigation of all physical red team findings at Facebook (Meta), and oversaw the development of the Risk Governance Committee, and Global Security Risk Framework. She has over 20 years of experience in risk management, physical security, geopolitics, intelligence, governance, change management, and process improvement. She brings a diverse perspective and unique approaches to solve difficult organizational problems. She helps organizations remove friction and create high performing teams and processes, especially when operating in high risk and high pressure environments. Across her career, Lauren has built and represented professional brands to the media, clients, and customers from all over the world, as well as publishing a wide array of creative and technical editorials.

    Lauren's Areas of Expertise
    • Security Risk Management
    • Governance
    • Intelligence & Investigations
    • Geopolitical Intelligence & Analysis
    • Red Team Findings Mitigation
    • Program Management
    • Risk Management Frameworks
    • Risk Committee Oversight
    • Business Excellence 
    • Process Improvement
    • Organizational Leadership
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    Safeguard your Systems

    Our Cyber and Information Security Team

    IT Audit

    Penetration Testing

    Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

    PCI-DSS, SOC2, SOX, ISO & More Certifications 

    IT Audit & Information Security Advisor

    Dan N

    About Dan

    Dan is an experienced cybersecurity and information security practitioner focused on aiding public sector, educational institutions, and small/medium businesses in securing the systems that allow them to achieve their missions. He is a graduate of the University of Minnesota’s Master’s of Science in Security Technologies (MSST) program, and works for the university as the Principal IT Auditor. As a security expert, Dan holds multiple industry-leading certificates including the CISSP, CISA, and Certified Penetration Tester (GPEN), along with extensive experience and training related to cybersecurity, internal audit, IT auditing, and critical infrastructure protection.

    Dan helps clients remain compliant, operational, and secure. As a security consultant, he works with in-house teams to aid in auditing procedures, or conducts third-party audits of critical systems to ensure clients can prevent, detect, and respond to information security incidents as they happen. Prior to his work at the University of Minnesota, Dan helped protect the U.S. mail infrastructure working at the USPS Office of the Inspector General by overseeing red team assessments, developing rules of engagement for USPS’s wireless networks, and hacking Post Office systems and partnering with cybersecurity coworkers to fix systems and protect U.S. infrastructure.


    Dan's Areas of Expertise
    • IT Security & Audit
    • Project Management
    • Audit Report Drafting
    • IT Compliance Assessments
    • Consent Order Compliance
    • Penetration Testing
    • Purple Team Projects
    • Cybersecurity Training
    • Security Awareness Training
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    Sr. COnsultant: Penetration Testing, Engineering, and Cybersecurity

    Martin Vigo

    About Martin

    Martin is a cybersecurity expert with over a decade of professional experience at Apple, Meta, and Salesforce working in Software Engineering, Product Security and Red Teaming. Over his carrer, Martin has worked on Mobile security, Identity and Authentication, code reviews, security audits, pentesting and in general keeping the cloud secure. Martin is also passionate about education and mentoring, training developers on security essentials and best practices and keeping the public informed on the latest cybersecurity developments through a podcast.

    Martin is a well-known presentor at industry security conferences, including  DEF CON, Blackhat EU, Ekoparty, BSides Las Vegas, Kaspersky Security Analyst Summit, and Shakacon. He presents on a wide array of topics focused on improving security on leading products. His presentations include accounts takeover via voicemail cracking, breaking password managers, OSINT tools, exploiting Apple’s Facetime protocol, and mobile app development best practices. 

    Martin has a bachelor degree in Computer Science, a Masters degree in Software Engineering and holds the OSCP certification among other cybersecurity specialized trainings in different areas such as Hardware hacking, exploit writing, Mobile hacking and Software Defined Radio.

    Martin's Areas of Expertise
    • Offensive Security
    • Red Teaming
    • Penetration Testing
    • Security Auditng and Vulnerability Scans
    • Cloud Security
    • Mobile App Security
    • OSINT
    • Phone System Exploitation
    • Hardware Hacking
    • Exploit Writing
    • Social Engineering 
    • Our 2nd Quadlingual Consultant! Martin speaks Spanish, English, German, and Galician. 
    Martin's Publications

    Martin contributes regularly to the security industry and profession, and has been widely published. A selection of his work includes:

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